Dynasonics Flow Meters

Dynasonics Flow Meters

Oct 13th 2017

Dynasonics Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Badger Meter Inc.'s Dynasonics Ultrasonic Flow Meters is the leading name in flow meters, and by no surprise. Dynasonics are not only accurate as an industrial analytical tool to measure flow rates, but are also flexible in design. This allows them to be applied in various applications and on a variety of different size pipes. The benefits of reduced installation costs, uninterrupted production, no moving parts to be maintained, and the ease of use rates Dynasonics Ultrasonic Flow Meters as superior over all competitor products.

Dynasonics Ultrasonic Flow Meters are broken down into two application fields: transit time and doppler. Transit time flow meters are ideal for clear fluids and fluids with small suspended particles or aeration, and doppler meters are for fluids containing suspended solids. However, they both use the same process to measure flow rate and velocity. Their two transducers alternate transmitting ultrasonic waves and receiving them, testing with the flow of the liquid and against it. The difference of the ultrasonic wave's travel time both with and against the liquid determines the flow rate velocity.

To view the flow meters on our store, click here: Dynasonics Ultrasonic Flow Meters

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